Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Be nothing.

You're perfect. 
You're wonderful.
You're doing everything exactly right, don't change a thing.
You can do no wrong.

Those sound really nice, don't they?
That's what we want to hear, affirmation.

But affirming what?

Affirming our own personal belief that we've arrived, that we have peaked at perfection?

Sometimes phrases like that are important to hear. 
Women, you are perfectly made by a perfect creator. 
But does that mean you don't have any room to improve on yourself 
where your imperfect human nature has done some damage?

Men, you are wonderful. You were made glorious and strong and brave.
But does that mean that in your faulted humanity you never fail?

It's OK to receive encouragement.
But be careful you aren't purposefully aiming to surround yourself only with
those who will feed your ego.

None of us are perfect. 
We need people around us who will challenge us and who are committed to 
our growth just as we are committed to their's. 

Constructive criticism (given with good intentions) is just as important as praise. 
Without it we never change. 
We just stay in our muddled state of lack because we can't see ourselves clearly enough to 
True friends show us the things our own eyes have missed. 

Choose wisely if you want to be something. 

Always in love,

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