Thursday, May 29, 2014


I can't tell you how many times I've been frustrated because the things I 
thought I was ready for just weren't happening.

I'd pray: God, I'm ready for this! Please! I'm ready.

But nothing would happen and I'd start to wonder if He even believes in me.
Did I do something at some point in the past that made Him decide I wasn't 
cut out for the job? 

Why is everyone else advancing, succeeding, doing, experiencing...
and here I am... nothing. 

I've been there.

For LONG periods of time.

God, when will life change? 
When will things start looking up???

So today I saw this:

Our daughter is 5. 
She wants to be 25.
(It's actually pretty hilarious half the time.)

She was playing quietly for a while, so I thought, 
when she came wobbling out of the bedroom in my shoes. 

"Look at me, Mommy!"

Of course I told her she was beautiful. 
But I also told her to be careful; that her feet weren't quite big enough to fill those shoes...
and that she might fall. 

mmhmmm... yep. You got it. 

It hit me like a wave of perfect clarity. 

He does believe in you. He does want to use you. 

Maybe your feet just aren't big enough to fill those shoes yet.

Maybe you still have some growing to do.

I know I do!

I look back now on those times when I was stomping my feet and begging to be used
and I kind of laugh to myself. 

Thank you, God, for making sure my feet are always grown enough to fill the shoes I'm needing to wear. 


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