Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Change it.

I changed my desktop picture today in honor of Maya Angelou, who passed away. 

She said:
"If you don't like something, change it. 
If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Don't complain."

At this present moment in my life, I am full to the brim with 
changes. I am making a place for myself as a writer, while staying true 
to the purpose for which I want to BE a writer...
To see lives changed. 

I am losing weight. Lots of it. I made a decision that my physical
appearance DOES matter. Not because I want to please others, but because 
I want to please God. And I'm not pleasing God by being unhealthy when, for me, 
healthy IS an option. And healthy = confidence. Confidence = more impact. 

There are some things that I can't change. I was in a car accident ten years ago and my spine is really 
messed up. Besides some chiropractor care, I have to just adjust the way I work out. 
I can't do a lot of the things other people can in terms of impact. 
Oh, well. 
I'll get over it. 
In this case, I have to adjust my attitude and accept my limitations.

Before I changed my desktop picture today, it was this:

To remind me that the world is a whole lot bigger than my own point of view. 
Sometimes it's our attitude that needs to change, in order to earn a place in the lives 
of the people around us. That doesn't mean our moral compass changes or that
we forget our values. It simply means we remember that each person we encounter is approaching 
life from a different point of view. 

So, all that to say:
If you can change it, 
CHANGE IT. (I can change my body. I can build confidence by working hard.)

If you can't,
determine whether it's your ATTITUDE that needs to change. (Don't try to change people. That's not your job. Rest assured it is Someone's job and He isn't slacking. He's just asking you to love like He does, then get out of the way.)

Above all that:

That accomplishes nothing and most of the time takes you backward in your progress or at best
a complete stand-still.

Always in love,

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