Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Writer's Obligation...

Yesterday evening I spent a couple hours at the library with my laptop and my headphones.
I try to do this as often as I can, it's my favorite place to write at the moment.
It's hard sometimes because a place will inspire me for a while, 
then suddenly one day I won't be able to focus there anymore. 

I was sitting by a large window in the corner of the library; the US History section. 
Directly in front of me was a small round table for the purpose of studying. 

I was about 1000 words in and feeling warm and fuzzy and inspired, 
when a woman and her son sat at the table. 
"How sweet." I thought, as I watched him open his book and begin to read.
"She's going to study with him."

I focus my eyes on my screen again. 
A minute later - above my music - I hear a loud, irritated voice.
I look up to see the mom is on the phone, clearly joining a friend in a fuss over someone, all hand-gestures and accusing eyes and sharp words.
I look around to check if anyone else is seeing what I'm seeing or hearing what I'm hearing.
The only person around ducks into an aisle, hiding from the disruption in the How To section. 

I do my best to ignore the noise. 
I do my best to not roll my eyes or huff.
I keep my body language under control and, eventually, the annoyance recedes and I just block her out.

Not two minutes later, a no-older-than three year old comes running past me. 
Thirty seconds later, he runs past again. 
He's doing laps. 
Thirty more seconds pass, but this time I heard him coming.
He's in glee as he runs. 
This goes on for at least five minutes.
I want to say, "Is this the library?! Can't a girl get some peace and quiet?!" 
But I don't and I just try my best to block it out. 

Then something hits me and I pause Ellie in my headphones and listen to the noise around me. 
I look up and discreetly glance around, taking it all in. 

I realize that this is the stuff that makes life interesting. Sure, it's not always pleasant, but it's life and it's being lived right in front of my face. As a writer, I have an obligation to take it in. Not block it out. This is the stuff that makes stories rich and people unique. 

Before long I'm smiling each time the little boy superman's past my chair. 
I smile at the lady with the cell phone when she gets up to leave. 

Life is being lived by everyone around me and if I pay attention, I get to join in.

Always in love,

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