Saturday, August 23, 2014

Better than life.

As I sit enjoying my Saturday with my children re-enacting Star Wars around me and my husband resting off this virus we've all been fighting this week, I'm - hang on I need to correct my kid.................. - okay, where was I? Oh right. I'm so happy.
The good, the bad, the really bad, the ugly... it's life. It's living. I'm so happy to be living!
I get angry sometimes. I get irritated and rude and out-of-line.
I also get repentant and I get humbled.
I have giggle fests with my family of four after one of our kids says something hilarious - they are the funniest people - or after my hubby tells a ridiculous story.
I get to see people changing and growing and maturing... and sometimes that gets to be me!

Life is, well, all inclusive!
You have to have the good.
You also have to have the bad to enjoy the good. To appreciate it.

This week we were all sick in different increments with a variation of viruses. There were some bad days in there to be sure. Now I'm dealing with a huge spider bite on my leg and a possible torn muscle in my calf. (Same leg, by the way).

But I'm so happy!

My favorite verse for, well forever, has been:

Psalm 63:3
"Because Your love is better than life, my lips will praise You!"

That's the key for me!

God's love surrounds me and fulfills me and corrects me and changes me.

That's the greatest good there is!

Make today a good one!

Laura :)

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