Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Lego Theory

So those of you with children will {hopefully} understand. Or perhaps hopefully not. Hopefully your kids are the image of obedience, honest to a fault, and never give you reason to lecture. I mean that genuinely. {No sarcasm intended}

Our kids are incredible. They're funny, smart, exceptionally witty and never ever boring. They are also humans. And they mess up. {Shocker! I know!} 

I was sitting in front of our 6 (1/2) year old son and trying to come up with something motivational to say to him to help him make some better choice. His choices as of late have been... well... 

I look over the room and what do I see EVERYWHERE {just waiting until night falls so they can assault my feet}? Legos. 

Ok, I've got this, I think to myself.

Colton, your life is like a giant lego project. Do you know what kind of man you want to be when you grow up? 


After my heart is done swelling with pride, I tell him this:

Every choice you make from this moment on is like adding another lego to your man. You're building him, you see? You and God together. Only the right legos will build that man you have imagined in your head. Good choices get you closer to being that man, bad choices mean you have to take a bit of it apart and start that section over. 

The truth is, we all have a vision for who we want to be when we grow up. I know I'm not yet who I want to be. I make bad choices. I have to back up and remind myself who I'm trying to become. Now, it's inevitable that we're gonna mess up. We're human. What's important is that we learn from that mistake and become better lego builders... I mean, oh you know what I mean.

This is so very relevant for me right now in my ambitions. As a writer, I'm one step closer to my goals when I sit down and hash out some words or jump on a promotional page and introduce my work. I'm stalling my progress when I rush things and release a work to soon, just to find it riddled with errors, or I procrastinate and watch too much Doctor Who instead of working. {I'd never really do that......}

Life is like a box of legos. You've got to add the right blocks to get the right results. 

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