Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tomorrow... Only a day away.

I'm waiting anxiously for the season to officially change in Oklahoma. Yes, it's October 8th so technically it's been fall for a little while now. However, if you step outside the door you'll be greeted by thick, humid air and what is forecasted to be a 90 degree day. Those of you who are already wearing thick coats and beanies... I envy you.

But isn't it so typical? Isn't this what we do? We find what's wrong with the right now and sit around longing for tomorrow. I mean, in a few months, when we're stuck in our house because the mid-west was hit by another ice storm, we'll be crying for summer again. That's just what we do.

I don't know about you but I sure miss out on today when I'm craning my neck and crying for tomorrow. {Whoa, that just turned heavy.}

Truly, though. What about contentment? People who are successful, people who achieve their goals, people who do great things and make a difference: are people who have learned the art of contentment. If I'm too busy pacing around, scatterbrained about what's coming next and not focusing on what's right in front of me, I won't ever get anything accomplished. As a writer, I have to be content where I'm at in the process. This is tough for me, especially when I'm first starting a project. I want to see the meat of the story coming to life RIGHT NOW! {Okay, to be honest, often times in writing I do jump the gun and write that scene I just can't wait for way ahead of time. But that's a strategy that works and well... another topic.}

The point is, yes. It's still hot out. But in just a short matter of time, it will be cold. Then I'll wish it was hot. Then I'll wish it was cold............................

Be content. Right now. Where you're at. That doesn't mean don't DO anything. That means do what is right in front of you NOW. Then the next step will be able to come in it's perfect time.

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